Electricity market in Serbia

Electricity market includes:

  • bilateral electricity market;

    Bilateral electricity implies the market where electricity is directly bought and sold among market participants in line with the electricity supply contract.

  • balancing electricity market and

    On the balancing electricity market, transmission system operator buys and sells electricity from market participants for balancing purposes and in order to provide safe system operations.

  • organised electricity market.

    Organised electricity market implies institutionally-regulated relation between the supply and the demand of electricity market participants with standardised products and physical delivery determined in advance, day ahead and intraday.

Electricity market participants may include:

  • electricity producer;
  • supplier;
  • wholesaler;
  • final customer;
  • electricity transmission system operator;
  • electricity distribution system operator;
  • closed electricity distribution system operator;
  • market operator
  • and other legal persons in line with the organised market code.

Electricity market scheme

Instructions for working with clients