Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plans

In line with the Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 145/14 and 95/18 –another law) (Article 111), every year, the transmission system operator submits a ten-year transmission system development plan to the Agency, for approval, bearing in mind, among other things, electricity production and consumption forecast, electricity exchange with other transmission system operators, distribution network development plans and regional investment plan.

Ten-year transmission system development plan should:

  1. indicate the necessity of construction and reconstruction of the most important transmission system infrastructure which should be constructed or upgraded in the following ten years to market participants;
  2. include all investments covered by decisions on realisation and which are ongoing, as well as the investment which will be realised in the following three years;
  3. set the deadlines for the realisation of all investment projects.

The Agency organises consultations on the ten-year plan with existing and potential system users and checks if the ten-year plan includes all needs for investments which are defined in the consultation procedure as well as the harmonisation of the plan with the regional plan.

The Agency observes and assesses the realisation of the ten-year development plan and gives an assessment of realised investments in its annual report which may also include the proposals for the plan modificaiton. In case the transmission system operator does not realise the investment which was supposed to be realised in the following three years, the Agency may demand the realisation of the given investment from the transmission system operator.

Upon being adopted by the Agency, ten-year development plan will be available here (Serbian version).

The „Report on Indicators of Unit Investment Costs and Relevant Reference Levels for Electricity Infrastructure Projects“ which was prepared by the Energy Community Secretariat can be used for the preparation of the Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan.

Instructions for working with clients