Rules on Supplier Switching

The Agency adopted Rules on Supplier Switching which are the same in the field of electricity and natural gas and which are applied in case a final customer who has concluded full supply contract asks for supplier switching.

In line with the Law, all final electricity customers are entitled to free selection of supplier. Once a final customer selects a new supplier and contracts full supply with the supplier, the customer submits an application for the switch of the supplier in line with these Rules. All further activities in line with this application are taken by the new supplier and the system operator. Therfore, the whole procedure is limited to 21 days since the day a valid application is submitted (the final customer who will have its supply stopped with the current supplier pays attention to the time when an application for the supplier switch can be filed at the latest). When the system operator establishes during the supplier switching procedurethat the final customer complies with the conditions for the supplier switch (e.g. the customer has settled all due liabilities towards the current supplier and complies with other prescribed conditions), the system operator informs on this all participants of the procedure on the 21st day since the submission of the application at the latest.

The system operator will read the meter of the final customer who complies with prescribed conditions for the supplier switch on the day when the supply contracted with the current supplier stops and, therefore, on the day the meter is read (the so called supplier switching day), the supply contracted with a new supplier in line with the contract is initiated and, on that day, the balancing responsibility for the delivery point of the final customer is transferred to the new supplier.

The supplier switching is free of customer’s charge.

Supplier switching scheme upon customer’s request

Instructions for working with clients