Rules on quality

Rules on Monitoring Technical and Commercial Indicators and Regulating Quality of Electricity and Natural Gas Delivery and Supply

The Agency has adopted Rules on Monitoring Technical and Commercial Indicators and Regulating Quality of Electricity and Natural Gas Delivery and Supply. These Rules establish the framework for the collection of data related to the quality of delivery and supply in a uniform way both in the electricity and natural gas sector.

The aim of the adoption of Rules is to prescribe the method and type of data which are collected by energy entities dealing in electricity and natural gas transmission, distribution and supply in advance.

The Rules define reliability of system operations and quality of electricity, i.e. natural gas as technical indicators of the quality of delivery, while they define timeliness of performance of prescribed obligatioins which affect the quality of delivery, i.e. the quality of electricity and natural gas supply as commercial indicators of delivery, i.e. supply.

The indicators of quality of delivery and supply are established on the annual level. The data, which are defined by the Rules and which serve as the basis for setting indicators are submitted to the Agency within shorter time intervals – on monthly, quarterly and semi-annual level.

On the basis of the collected data, the Agency will draft the annual report in the end of the year which will be comparable both if one compares the data for the same energy entity for different years and if different energy entities performing the same energy activity are compared. The Agency will publish the report and the analysis of the submitted data on the website.

These data will enable the Agency to define the necessary level of quality, i.e. to establish standards of quality of delivery and supply in further stages of regulation of quality of delivery and supply. After data are monitored and collected, the Agency will be also in a position to set the level of possible penalties and compensation fees in case when quality standards are not met.

Rules on Monitoring Technical and Commercial Indicators and Regulating Quality of Electricity and Natural Gas Supply (Serbian version)

Instructions for working with clients