Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plans

In line with the Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 145/14 and 95/18 –another law) (Article 250), the transmission system operator submits the ten-year transmission system development plan for the approval to the Agency in line with the Strategy and the Program, bearing in mind planned natural gas production, consumption and exchange with other countries as well as the results of consultations with interested parties.

The ten-year transmission system development plan should:

  1. indicate the necessity of construction and reconstruction of the most significant infrastructure within the transmission system in the following ten years;
  2. include all investments on which a decision on realisation was adopted and which are ongoing as well as the investments which will be realised in the following three years;
  3. set the deadlines for the realisation of all investment projects;
  4. include efficient measures which enable system adequacy and security of supply.

The Agency organises consultations on the ten-year plan with existing and potential system users and checks if the ten-year plan includes the whole investment demand which was set in the consultation procedure.

The Agency observes and estimates the realisation of ten-year development plans. In case the transmission system operator does not realise an investment the operator was supposed to realise in three years time according to the plan, in order to have planned investment realised, the Agency may take some of the following measures:

  1. demand the realisation of the given investment from the transmission system operator;
  2. organise a tender procedure for the selection of the most acceptable investor interested in the given investment;
  3. oblige the transmission system operator to accept the increase of capital in order to finance the necessary investment and to allow an independent investor to participate in the capital;

Once ten-year development plans are submitted by the system operator ad adopted by the Agency, they will be available here.

The „Report on Indicators of Unit Investment Costs and Relevant Reference Levels for Electricity Infrastructure Projects“ which was prepared by the Energy Community Secretariat can be used for the preparation of the Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan.

Instructions for working with clients