Non-Discrimination Programme of the Distribution System Operator

Unbundling of the distribution system operator

The distribution system operator which is a part of a vertically integrated company and which has more than 100,000 final customers connected to the system has to be indepenedent in terms of legal form, organisation and decision-making process from other activities which are not connected with the distribution activity.

The independence of the distribution system operator is secured in the following manner:

  • persons responsible for the distribution system operation cannot participate in the work of management bodies of vertically-integrated companies which are directly or indirectly responsible for natural gas production, transmission or supply;
  • taking measures which will secure that persons responsible for distribution system operator management act in a professional manner in order to secure their independence during work;
  • the distribution system operator adopts decisions on funds necessary for the system operation, maintenance and development independently from the vertically-integrated company;
  • the distribution system operator adopts decisions on current operations, i.e. decisions on the construction of the distribution network or its upgrade independently if these comply with the approved financial plan.

Guidelines for distribution system operator unbundling issued by teh Energy Community Secretariat are available here.

Pursuant to the Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 145/14 and 95/18 –another law) (Articles 257, 259, 261), distribution system operator which is a part of a vertically integrated company and which has more than 100,000 final customers connected to the system is obliged to adopt a Program for Non-Discriminatory Behaviour which includes measures in order to prevent discriminatory treatments, method of monitoring these measures and obligations of staff related to the achievement of set goals.

The Agency approves Program for Non-Discriminatory Behaviour of the distribution system operator.

Program monitoring officer

The distribution system operator which is a part of a vertically integrated company and which has more than 100,000 final customers connected to the system is obliged to appoint a person responsible for monitoring compliance.

Annual Report on the implementation of the Program

The Program monitoring officer drafts the annual report on the implementation of the Compliance Program and submits it to the Agency for approval.

The report on the implementation of the Compliance Program is published on the website of the distribution system operator.

Instructions for working with clients