Programme for Provision of Non-Discriminatory Behaviour of the Transmission System Operator

Compliance programme

In line with the Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 145/14 and 95/18 –another law) (Articles 237 and 280), the transmission system operator which is a part of a vertically integrated company (ISO, i.e. ITO) is obliged to adopt a Programme for Provision of Non-Discriminatory Behaviour which includes measures meant to prevent discriminatory behaviour, the method of monitoring the implementation of these measures and obligations of employees to achieve the goals which have been set.

The Agency approves Programmes for Provision of Non-Discriminatory Behaviour.

Person responsible for the observation of compliance

The transmission system operator which is a part of a vertically integrated company is obliged to appoint a person responsible for observing the Programmes for Non-Discriminatory Behaviour. The Agency gives approval of conditions for the appointment and of the duration of the term of the person appointed for compliance observation as well as prior approval of the decision on the appointment

Annual report on the implementation of Compliance Programme

The person responsible for the observation of the Programme drafts the annual report on the measures taken in order to implement the Program and submits it to the Agency for approval.

The report on the implementation of Compliance Programme is published on the website of the transmission system operator, i.e. of the vertically integrated company.

Instructions for working with clients