Transmission Network Code

Pursuant to Article 248 of the Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 145/14 and 95/18 –another law) with the approval of the Energy Agency, the transmission system operator adopts Natural Gas Transmission Network Code which more closely regulates the access to the natural gas transmission system and conditions for its use, the manner of planning its development, technical conditions for the connection to the transmission system, metering, maintenance of facilities on the transmission system, exchange of data with the operators of connected systems and activities in case of disruption and other issues set by the Law.

The Transmission Network Code also regulates the method in line with which the transmission system operator administers transactions in the natural gas market and regulates more closely the rights and obligations of market participants who use the natural gas transmission system. Apart from regulating the conditions for the access to the transmission system, capacity allocation and overload management, the Rules also regulate the method of setting daily natural gas volumes for each transmission system user, system balancing rules and the manner disbalance is calculated in case of discrepancies and other financial obligations of system users.

Transmission Network Code is available here.

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