Rules on Storage Operations

Pursuant to Article 276 of the Energy Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 145/14 and 95/18 –another law), upon the approval of the Energy Agency, the storage operator adopts Rules on Natural Gas Storage Operations which regulate the conditions for secure, reliable and safe operations of the storage, use and maintenance of facilities, planning storage operations, storage operation and regulation of flow and pressure during the injection and withdrawal of natural gas in a manner providing secure and reliable opeartions in both cycles, in case of disruption and accident, types of services provided by the storage operator, conditions and procedures for access to storage and for capacity allocation, setting avaliable storage capacity for injection, working volume of the storage and gas withdrawal, method and tempo of publishment of summary data on injected and withdrawn natural gas quantities and level of usage of storage capacity and other issues necessary for storage operation.

Rules on Natural Gas Storage Operations are being drawn by the storage operator. After the draft is made, approval of the Energy Agency is gained, after adoption and publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, the Rules on Natural Gas Storage Operations will be also available on the website of the Energy Agency.

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