The Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has prepared drafts of Methodology for Setting Market Premium for Highly Efficient Cogeneration and Methodology for Setting Feed-in Tariff for Micro-Cogeneration and Small Cogeneration Units and invited interested parties to submit their remarks and suggestions to the Agency by Friday, October 27, 2021.

The Methodology for Setting Market Premium for Highly Efficient Cogeneration prescribes setting annual correction of market premia, initial level of market premium and other elements crucial for setting the level of market premium which is applied during market premia auctions.

The Methodology for Setting Feed-in Tariffs for Micro-Cogeneration and Small Cogeneration Units is applicable to power producers in micro-cogeneration and small cogeneration units in line with the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy.

The drafts of Methodologies are available HERE on the Agency website.