Acting upon an application of the Limited Liability Company TRANSPORGAS SRBIJA Novi Sad, on the session held on July 25, 2024, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a preliminary Decision on issuing a certificate to the TRANSPORTGAS SRBIJA Novi Sad as to an independent system operator.

By this decision, it was established that TRANSPORTGAS SRBIJA LLC Novi Sad complied with conditions for the certification in line with the independent system operator model, i.e. that they have legal basis for the use of the transmission system, they comply with condition for the performance of the transmission system operator activities and that they are independent in terms of management control, i.e. that the control over the transmission system is separated from the control over natural gas, i.e. electricity supplier and producer.

The decision of the Agency with accompanying documents was forwarded to the Energy Community Secretariat for the purpose of opinion issuance in line with Article 241 of the Energy Law.

Following the receipt of the opinion, a final decision on certification will be adopted and it will be published along with the opinion of the Energy Community Secretariat in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” and on the websites of the transmission system operator and of the Agency.