Methodologies for setting prices


Methodologies for setting prices

The Agency, in line with jurisdiction defined by the Energy Law, adopts the following methodologies:

Methodologies regulate:

  • conditions and methods of setting maximum revenue of energy entities
  • criteria and rules for the allocation of revenue for each customer category and group and
  • elements for the calculation and method of billing delivered electricity.

The establishment of maximum revenue level should enable the coverage of justified operational costs, as well as an adequte yield from money and investments placed efficiently during the performance of regulated energy activity.

Methodolgy defines criteria and rules which determine different 

tariff elements tariff elements (natural gas) Tariff elements аге physical values in which the value Of а product, i.e. service is presented. In case Of naturaI gas, depending Of concrete activity, tarif elements include fueI, capacity, delivey point, etc.


tariffs tariffs (natural gas) Value (pricing) presentations Of tarif eIements, which depend оп metering method, delivepy conditions, quantity and purpose Of епегду consumption, аге called tarifs. In case Of natural gas, depending оп concrete activity, tariffs inc1ude capacity, fuel, delivery point fee, etc. Applying tarifs to adequate quantities (tarif elements) prices for individuaI customer/user ог group Of customers/users are determined.

 for certain customer categories and groups, depending on the quantity of delivered energy and delivery conditions, power, season and daily delivery dynamics, delivery point and metering method and other characteristics. In addition, it defines the method of billing electricity delivered to final customers, i.e. of transmission and distribution services to system users.
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