On the sessions held on November 13 and 19, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has approved Agreements between transmission system operator of the Republic of Serbia EMS JSC and transmission system operators of North Macedonia (MEPSO), Bulgaria (EAD), Romania (Transelektrika), Hungary (MAVIR), Croatia (HOPS), Bosnia and Herzegovina (NOSBIH) and Montenegro (CGES) on the procedure and method for cross-border transmission capacity allocation and access to cross-border transmission capacity for 2021.

The organization of joint auctions enables a more efficient use of cross-border capacity in line with European regulations. The realization of these agreements provides for greater possibilities to system users and it improves the conditions for electricity market development in the southeastern Europe and its integration into the European market. Joint auctions on these borders have been organized since 2012. The first time such auction was organized with Hungary in 2012. The last border in the row where such allocation was established was on the border with Montenegro in 2019.

The agreements are improved every year based on the experience gained in their realization, on amendments to regulations and on development of computing platforms which the transmission system operators have on their disposal. The deadlines for the registration of participants in capacity allocation were extended for next year. It became possible to send electronic invoices to participants. The improvement of the allocation platform for the allocation of annual and monthly capacity provided for the full allocation of this capacity.