On September 27, the Administrative Board of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has appointed Mr. Christian Zinglersen as a new Director instead of Mr. Alberto Pototschnig. The succession will enter into force on January 1 next year, ACER reported.

Mr. Zinglersen is currently holding the position of the Head of the global Clean Energy Ministerial Secretariat hosted at the International Energy Agency in Paris (IEA). He previously served as the Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Danish Ministry of Energy.

Zinglersen will start his five-year term of office as the head of ACER on January 1, 2020.

As the first ACER Director, Mr. Pototschnig played the key role in establishing and leading the Agency over the last nine years, the press release reported.

The headquarters of ACER are in Ljubljana. This body was established within the so-called third EU package for energy market liberalization in order to complement and coordinate the work of national regulators and participate in the creation of the European Network Codes. ACER responsibilities also include settlement of disputes related to the access and operational stability of cross-border electricity trade as well as full monitoring of energy markets development.