On the session held on 10/11/2023, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on approval of Rules for Connection of Facilities to Transmission System which were adopted by the Joint Stock Company „Elektromreža Srbije“.

By the adoption of amendments to the Energy Law, Law on Use of Renewable Energy Sources, Decree on Network Code on Connection of Customer’s Facility to Network and Decree on Electricity Delivery and Supply, a legal ground for the adoption of Rules for Connection of Facilities to Transmission system was created. These rules regulate technical conditions for the connection of facilities to the transmission system as well as to a segment of the distribution system which is operated by the transmission system operator and they apply within the facility connection procedure.

Following the approval of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia, the Rules for Connection of Facilities to Transmission System are published on the website of the Joint Stock Company „Elektromreža Srbije“ and they enter into force on the day of their publication.