On the session held on 16/09/2021, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has given their approval thereby confirming Adapted Texts of Network Codes on Harmonized Natural Gas Tariffs and Network Code on Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing. 

The texts of network codes were prepared and harmonized by transmission system operators Transportgas Srbija d.o.o. Novi Sad, Yugorosgaz-Transport d.o.o. Niš and Gastrans d.o.o. Novi Sad and in line with instructions for their preparation which were adopted by the Agency. The texts harmonized in such a manner were submitted to the Agency for the purpose of gaining approval on the compliance with these instructions.

In line with the Energy Law, transmission system operators submit harmonized texts of network codes and the decision of the Agency which confirm their compliance with the instructions to the Ministry of Mining and Energy and, on their grounds, the competent ministry shall establish the final text of the network code draft which is submitted to the Government of the Republic of Serbia for adoption.