Being the Co-Chairman of the Gas Regional Initiative (GRI) of the European Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) for the South and Southeastern Europe (SEE) region, the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has been a host of the meeting on May 6-7 in Belgrade. During the meeting, the representatives of regulators, natural gas transporters, producers and traders from this region from the EU and from the Energy Community discussed several issues of common interest.

As the patron of the meeting, ACER presented their most important activities in the past one-year period. Capacity allocation on new gas pipeline projects in this European region was one of the topics of the meeting which was held in AERS headquarters and in the premises of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

During the segment of the meeting dedicated to the presentation of projects for the 2019-2020 operational programme, AERS presented the project on the implementation of the European Union (EU) network codes on the interconnectors between the EU transporters and the Energy Community Contracting Parties.

Other issues which were on the GRI SEE agenda are the following: plans for the connection of gas markets in the South and Southeast Europe, functioning of underground natural gas storages, projects on liquefied natural gas terminals in the region, prompt gas supplier switching methods and recent results in this field in the Energy Community