On the session held on December 24, 2020, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted decisions on amendments to the Methodology for Setting Price of Electricity for Guaranteed Supply, Methodology for Setting Electricity Distribution Use-of-System Charge and Methodology for Setting Electricity Transmission Use-of-System Charge.

These amendments provide for the extension of the period during which customers, i.e. electricity transmission and distribution system users can take the opportunity to have lower level of approved power charged without amendments to the decision on the connection approval. This option is limited until December 31, 2022.

On the same session, upon requests of EMS JSC Belgrade, and of the distribution system operator “EPS Distribucija” LLC Belgrade, the AERS Council has approved the increase of electricity transmission use-of-system charge by 10% and of electricity distribution use-of-system charge by 5.52%.

These price modifications will not have impact to prices of electricity for guaranteed supply (households and small customers) which have been recently adopted, while, on the other hand, transmission and distribution use-of-system charges still remain among the lowest ones in the region and in Europe.

Decisions are published in the “Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia” and will enter into force and be applied as of February 1, 2021.