On the session held on March 8, 2019, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has approved the acts of the company GASTRANS d.o.o. which was instructed to adopt them in the Decision on Approval of the Exemption of New Interconnector (dated March 5, 2019). The adoption of these documents is a requirement to be met prior the realization of the binding phase of long-term capacity allocation on this interconnector. 
To this end, on the session held on March 8, 2019, the Agency Council approved:
1) Natural gas transmission contract model,
2) Tariff methodology for calculation of natural gas transmission tariff,
3) Non-discrimination programme,
4) Decision setting conditions for appointment of non-discrimination programme officer and
5) Approval of appointment of the programme officer.

On the same session, in addition to the above referred approvals, the Agency Council confirmed that the accompanying documentation required for adequate realization of the binding capacity allocation phase and for the familiarization of bidders with the rules of this procedure was also harmonized with the requirements set by the Agency in the Decision on Method of Capacity Allocation and Capacity Management Mechanisms.