On the session held on January 25, 2019, the Council of the Energy Agency has approved the decision on prices of non-standard services which was adopted by the distribution system operator “EPS Distribucija” d.o.o. Beograd.

The approved price list includes non-standard, periodical services which are offered by the system operator upon a customer’s i.e. a system user’s request or services aimed at removal of consequences of a customer’s i.e. system user’s actions which are against regulations and which are not covered in the distribution fee or in connection costs.

These services relate to the suspension of electricity delivery, reconnection of the metering point following suspension, disconnection, replacement of meters for examination purposes, services related to conditions for connection design, definition of conditions and opinions for connection of power plants, etc.

By this decision, revenues generated by the distribution system operator are under control on these bases and this creates conditions for their more transparent operations as well as for a unified treatment of system users.