On the session on August 15, 2019, in line with the Energy Law, AERS Decision on Exemption of New Natural Gas Interconnector and AERS regulations, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a Decision on Issuance of Certificate to Limited Liability Company GASTRANS d.o.o. as to Independent Natural Gas Transmission Operator with an obligation to submit occupancy permits or register ownership rights on natural gas transmission system facilities as well as to submit evidence on independent operation and transmission system operation of the constructed system in line with the AERS Decision on exemption within a 6-month timeframe since the beginning of operational work.

In line with obligations arising from the Energy Community Treaty, this Decision is submitted to the competent body of the Energy Community for opinion purposes. Upon the receipt of the opinion, the Agency will adopt a final decision on certification and publish it along with the opinion of the competent body of the Energy Community in the “Official Gazette of RS” and on its website.