On the session held on March 31, 2022, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has confirmed that the Limited Liability Company GASTRANS, LLC, Novi Sad submitted all required evidence to the Agency confirming its independent operation and management of constructed transmission system necessary for holding the certificate as an independent transmission operator.

Namely, by the decision of February 21, 2020, AERS issued a certificate to GASTRANS as to an independent transmission operator with an obligation to submit evidence prescribed in the given decision within the 6-month deadline since the beginning of its operational work (submit permits of occupancy or to register ownership rights over natural gas transmission system facilities or submit evidence confirming independent operation and management of constructed transmission system in line with item 4 of the AERS Decision on the exemption of the new natural gas interconnector).

The Decision of the Agency Council of March 31, 2022 confirming that the Limited Liability Company GASTRANS LLC submitted all the given evidence will be published on the website of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia.