Natural gas

Natural gas prices, as well as the prices of services provided by energy entities while performing energy activities are not regulated, unless it is prescribed otherwise by the the Energy Law.

Natural gas transmission and distribution use-of-system charges, prices of access to natural gas storage and natural gas public supply prices are regulated.

Natural gas public supply represents the sale of natural gas to households and small customers at regulated prices. All final natural gas customers are entitled to select their supplier in the market, while only households and small customers are entitled to public supply (households and small cusomers can both exercise that right and select an electricity supplier in the market).

Graphic review of regulated and non-regulated prices for final natural gas customers are available here.

Price regulation in the natural gas field is organised in line with the following principles:


  • Coverage of justified costs
  • Economic and energy efficiency
  • Non-discrimination
  • Regulation efficiency
  • Transparency
Instructions for working with clients