Submission of registration application

Submission of registration application and reporting changes in registration data

Market participants who intend to trade in wholesale electricity and natural gas market products in the Republic of Serbia are obliged to register at the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia prior to the realisation of the contracted transaction/trading order in line with REMIT Rules.

The registration application is submitted within Template REMIT R-1 on the address: Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia, Terazije 5/V 11000 Belgrade or to the Agency address for e-files edokumenti@а in line with regulations regulating electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services in electronic operations.

In line with provision of Article 14 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees (Law with harmonised dinar amount from the Tariff of Republic Administrative Fee published in „Official Gazette of RS“, No. 43/03, 51/03, 53/04, 42/05, 61/05, 101/05, 42/06, 47/07, 54/08, 5/09, 54/09, 35/10, 70/11 55/12, 93/12, 47/13, 57/14, 45/13, 83/15 и 62/21), the applicant is obliged to pay the republic administrative fee of RSD 1,660.00 – for the submission of application for registration into the Registry under Tariff number 19.

The obligation to pay administrative fee can be complied with by payment on a relevant account of the Republic of Serbia number 840-742221843-57 or by purchasing tax stamp in the given amount. The evidence on payment with reference number "code from the list of municipalities", is submitted to the Agency.

If the obligation to pay the fee is not complied with when the application is submitted, the applicant will be invited to pay it with an additional reminder fee of RSD 290.00.

A wholesale market participant which has already been registered in the Agency Registry in line with REMIT Rules is obliged to report changes in registered data within the Template REMIT R-1, and, in this case, along with the application, the applicant files an evidence on the payment of republic administrative fee amounting to RSD 800.00 – for the registration of data changes in this Registry under Tariff No. 19.

Тitle 2

Short news

Approval of Maximum Capacity Thresholds for Production Modules

BELGRADE, Thursday, February 1, 2024.
On the session held on February 1, 2024, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on the approval of the decision of the Joint Stock Company “Elektromreža Srbije” which establishes Maximum Capacity Thresholds for Production Modules.

Approval of EMS Rules for Market Activities Suspension and Restoration

BELGRADE, Thursday, January 18, 2024.
On the session held on January 18, 2024, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on the approval of Rules for Market Activities Suspension and Restoration which were drafted by the Transmission System Operator of the Republic of Serbia “Elektromreža Srbije” JSC.

Approval of Transportgas Srbija Gas Pipeline Transmission System Development Plan

BELGRADE, Thursday, December 21, 2023.
On the session held on December 21, 2023, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on an approval of Gas Pipeline Transmission System Development Plan for 2022-2031 which was adopted by the transmission system operator Transportgas Srbija. Investments which are planned to be realized in the three-year period are included in the Plan.

Approval of “GAS BEČEJ” and “YUGOROSGAZ” Distribution System Development Plan

BELGRADE, Thursday, December 21, 2023.
On the session held on December 21, 2023, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on an approval of the Distribution System Development Plan for 2023-2027 with an investment plan for 2023-2025 which was submitted by the natural gas distribution system operator “GAS BEČEJ” LLC and of the Distribution System Development Plan for 2023-2027 with an investment plan for 2023-2027 which was submitted by the natural gas distribution system operator “YUGOROSGAZ” JSC Beograd.

Instructions for working with clients