On 10/09/2019, Gastrans d.o.o. has published a Notification and invitation to public hearing on the Operation Rules draft on their website. (https://gastrans.rs/obavestenje-i-poziv-za-javnu-raspravu/).

These Rules serve for Gastrans d.o.o. to propose the content of the operation rules of the future natural gas transmission system which is under construction so as the Rules could be adopted following the public hearing and the approval of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia. These Rules are planned to enter into force on the first day of operation of the new interconnector at the latest.

To this end, Gastrans published the Rules draft so as the public and all future interested transmission service users in particular could have insight into it and they are invited to send their remarks, comments and suggestions to Gastrans d.o.o. (a copy of the e-mail to the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia, too) until October 10, 2019 at the latest to the following e-mail addresses: info@gastrans.rs and aers@aers.rs.