On the extraordinary session of June 30, 2021, acting in line with the legal deadline prescribed by the Amendments to the Energy Law, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS) has adopted Instructions for Drafting Electricity and Natural Gas Network Codes.

These Instructions provide guidelines to electricity transmission and distribution system operators for the preparation of grounds for drafting three “network codes” which regulate connection to the electricity system and to natural gas transmission system operators for the preparation of grounds for drafting five “network codes” in the field of natural gas which regulate capacity allocation, congestion management, interoperability, transmission tariffs structure and transmission system balancing.

With reference to this, Amendments to the Energy Law proscribe the obligation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to adopt legal acts on the above mentioned network codes upon the proposal of the Ministry based on complied acts of system operators which are obliged to draft them in line with the Instruction adopted by the Agency and to obtain the approval of the Agency on compliance prior to submitting them to the Ministry.

The Instructions for drafting electricity and natural gas network codes are available on THIS LINK (Serbian version).