On the session held on August 20, 2020, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on the approval of the YUGOROSGAZ-TRANSPORT LLC Transmission System Development Plan for 2020-2029.

In early March 2020, YUGOROSGAZ-TRANSPORT LLC Transmission System Operator submitted the draft of Transmission System Development Plan for 2020-2029 to the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia.

The Agency organized public consultation and invited all interested parties to submit their remarks, proposals and suggestions. Upon the termination of consultation, the Transmission System Operator YUGOROSGAZ-TRANSPORT LLC submitted a new Plan draft which was complied with all submitted comments and corrections and amendments to the data requested by the Agency were made.

This plan envisages the construction of a gas pipeline which will enable more intensive gasification of southern Serbia, especially in Vranje, Vladičin Han and Surdulica. It is envisaged to connect the transmission system with the gas pipeline Niš – Dimitrovgrad which is expected to be constructed and thereby, the security of supply on the whole territory of Serbia will be increased.