Energy Community institutions


The Ministerial Council (MC) is obliged to ensure that objectives set out in the Treaty establishing the Energy Community are attained. The Council consists of one representative of each 

Contracting Party Contracting Parties At the moment, the Energy Community includes nine Contracting Parties, i.e.: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Montenegro and UNMIK.

and two representatives of the European Community. One non-voting representative of each 

Participant Participants Pursuant to the Treaty establishing the Energy Community (Article 95), any European Union member state may be represented in the Ministerial Council, Permanent High Level Group and in the Regulatory Board with a Participant status, without any voting rights. This status is held by 19 EU member states at the moment.

may participate in the MC meetings.
The Ministerial Council:

  • provides general political guidelines
  • adopts measures:
    • Decisions - are legally binding in their entirety upon those to whom they refer to. 

      Contracting Party Contracting Parties At the moment, the Energy Community includes nine Contracting Parties, i.e.: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Montenegro and UNMIK.

      are obliged to implement the decisions which refer to them into their legal system within the deadline prescribed by the decision.
    • Recommendations – have no binding effect. Contracting Parties shall endeavour to implement them.
  • adopts Procedural Acts which, among other things, may serve to confer certain tasks, powers or obligations related to the implementation of the Energy Community policy to the Permanent High Level Group, Regulatory Board or to the Secretariat under precisely defined conditions.

The Ministerial Council submits the annual report on the Energy Community activities to the European Parliament and to the parliaments of Adhering Parties and 

of Participant Participants Pursuant to the Treaty establishing the Energy Community (Article 95), any European Union member state may be represented in the Ministerial Council, Permanent High Level Group and in the Regulatory Board with a Participant status, without any voting rights. This status is held by 19 EU member states at the moment.



Permanent High Level group consists of one representative of each 

Contracting Party Contracting Parties At the moment, the Energy Community includes nine Contracting Parties, i.e.: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Montenegro and UNMIK.

 and two representatives of the European Community. One non-voting representative of each 

Participant Participants Pursuant to the Treaty establishing the Energy Community (Article 95), any European Union member state may be represented in the Ministerial Council, Permanent High Level Group and in the Regulatory Board with a Participant status, without any voting rights. This status is held by 19 EU member states at the moment.

may participate in the PHLG meetings. Permanent High Level Group:
  • prepares the work of the Ministerial Council;
  • approves the applications for technical assistance by international donor organisations, international financial institutions and bilateral donors;
  • reports to the Ministerial Council on the progress made towards the achievement of the objectives of the Treaty;
  • adopts measures, if so empowered by the Ministerial Council;
  • adopts Procedural Acts not involving the conferral of tasks, powers or obligations to other institutions of the Energy Community;
  • discusses the development of the acquis communautaire described in Title II of the Treaty on the basis of a report that the European Commission will submit on a regular basis.


Regulatory Board:

  • advises the Ministerial Council or the Permanent High-Level Group on details of statutory, technical and regulatory rules;
  • issues Recommendations on cross-border disputes involving two or more Regulators, upon a request of any of them;
  • adopts measures, if so empowered by the Ministerial Council;
  • adopts Procedural Acts.
The Regulatory Board consists of one representative of an energy regulator of each 

Contracting Party Contracting Parties At the moment, the Energy Community includes nine Contracting Parties, i.e.: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Montenegro and UNMIK.

, pursuant to the relevant parts of the acquis communautaire on energy. The European Community is represented by the European Commission, assisted by one regulator of each Participant and by one representative of the European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG). If a Contracting Party or a Participant has one regulator for gas and a separate one regulator for electricity, the 

Contracting Party Contracting Parties At the moment, the Energy Community includes nine Contracting Parties, i.e.: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Montenegro and UNMIK.


The Participant Participants Pursuant to the Treaty establishing the Energy Community (Article 95), any European Union member state may be represented in the Ministerial Council, Permanent High Level Group and in the Regulatory Board with a Participant status, without any voting rights. This status is held by 19 EU member states at the moment.

 determines which regulator will attend the meeting of the Regulatory Board taking the agenda into account.


The Secretariat:

  • provides administrative support to the Ministerial Council, the Permanent High-Level Group, the Regulatory Board and the Fora;
  • reviews the proper implementation of obligations of the 

    Parties Parties The Parties of the Treaty establishing the Energy Community include the European Community on one hand and Contracting Parties on the other hand.

     under the Treaty and submits yearly progress reports to the Ministerial Council;
  • reviews and assists in the coordination by the European Commission of the donors' activity in the territories of 

    Adhering Parties Adhering Parties At the moment, the Energy Community includes 8 Adhering Parties, i.e.: Albania Bosnia and Hercegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine and Montenegro.

     and on the territory under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo and provides administrative support to the donors;
  • carries out other tasks conferred to them under the Treaty or by a Procedural Act of the Ministerial Council, excluding the power to adopt Measures; and
  • adopts Procedural Acts.


  • Energy Community advisory body
  • The Forum consists of representatives of all interested parties, including industry, regulators, representative groups from industry and customers
  • Conclusions are adopted by consensus


  • Energy Community advisory body
  • The Forum consists of representatives of all interested parties, including industry, regulators, representative groups from industry and customers
  • Conclusions are adopted by consensus
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