Transport of oil via oil pipelines and of oil derivatives via product lines

Transport of oil via oil pipelines and of oil derivatives via product lines

The prices of energy sources (oil, oil derivatives, etc.) as well as the services offered by energy entities while performing energy activities are not regulated, except for the prices of access oil pipeline and the prices of access to product line which are regualted.

The regulation of price of the access to the oil transport system via oil pipelines and oil derivatives transport system via product lines is organised in line with the following principles:

  • Coverage of costs

    Regulated prices provide the coverage of justified operational costs and adequate yield from money and investments placed efficiently which secure sustainable system development and long-term ability of the system to comply with the demand in the field of oil pipeline/product line transport in an economically justified manner.

  • Economic efficiency

    Economic efficiency in the establishment of regulated prices implies that regulated prices give clear signals to system users on the use of the existing system and the development of a new one, i.e. that regulated prices reflect the costs of oil pipeline/product line transport service.

  • Non-discrimination

    The non-discrimination principle implies that regulated prices provide for an equal treatment of the same customers’ category and group and system users in terms of the procedure for the establishment of regulated prices, regardless of the size, ownership and other characteristics of customers and system users as well as the prevention of mutual subsidising between some customers, customers’ categories and groups or system users and between some activities performed by energy entities.

  • Regulation efficiency

    The principle of efficient regulation implies minimisation of Agency’s costs arising from the implementation of price regulation, as well as of costs with regulated energy entities arising from compliance with the commitments prescribed by regulatory mechanisms and procedures.

  • Тransparency

    Transparency principle in price regulation implies that the Agency will make methodologies for setting regulated prices and decisions on approvals of documents on regulated prices adopted by energy entities public (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Agency website) as well as other pieces of information on regulated prices. In addition, the Agency encourages transparency in price regulation via public consultations on the drafts of methodologies setting regulated prices.

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